Tuesday, December 15, 2009


It seems to me that sometimes, things work out. Even though we struggle through life, and things are rough and there is pain.. Sometimes people surprise you. Sometimes there are things we need, that just seem to magically appear, even though it wasn't asked for. I am grateful for the love and support of our family, without them we just wouldn't be making it through. It also occurs to me that, there is no real way to pay it all back. We need to find a way to show the people we love how much we care about them. Sometimes miracles of life do happen along the way. I really hope to just be able to return the feeling to others.

Remember to love.. AND be loved...


Sending Love


Thinking of a good friend who is currently in school, and today is FINALS! We all know how miserable finals can be no matter what stage of schooling it is! He got great news on exam 1. He got an A! WOOHOOOOOO! I am so excited for him, he's got amazing talent and ability and it is always wonderful to be recognized for it. It's also great to know that someone other than family recognize it as well. While family and friend support is very important, an impartial 3rd party can make all the difference in the world when it comes to boosting confidence. I hope he's filled with pride right now and it gives him strength to get through the next 3 tests!

Much love!

Once again I am still awake!

I am still awake, but tonight it is for different reasons. I feel semi-accomplished tonight. I am currently content. My hows is messy, but re-arranged in a much more suitable layout for us. Tomorrow: Putting stuff away, where it belongs. Maybe decorating the Christmas Tree. Calling EDD... AGAIN, ugh. Getting prepared for the recipe swap.

I love my family and I love my friends. And I really like being able to spend more time with them, in whatever capacity suits. Thanks to my family and friends who have made my jobless situation a little more tolerable! I'm excited to be reacquainting with my lil boy and husband. It's also good to be able to talk to my friends again, near and far. Facebook has really made that much easier. (I wanted so bad to hate it, and it has turned out to be a great way to stay in touch!.. curses!)

G'nite all & sweet dreams!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

So, I love my baby!

Last night he came to me, he was fussing, but sat down between my feet, and was playing. Soon I felt him sort of leaning on my leg, I looked down at him and he smiled. I brushed his hair with my hand and he leaned into it. I figured he was tired so I picked him up and put him on the couch with me. He wiggled like crazy, but when I put him down he didn't look happy. So I put my blanket on the couch and put him back there, he wiggled around some more, so I sat down on the floor and left him on the couch and put my arm over him. He seemed to like that and I was happy, but I could tell he wasn't perfectly content, so I moved him over a lil bit and sat with him. As soon as I did that, he promptly snuggled up against my leg and went to sleep! He was so precious and sweet sleeping there. I love my lil boy!

<3 G'nite!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Goin to bed!

I've no idea why I can't sleep lately.. but tonight I'm going to bed "early". Wheeeeeeeeee.. G'nite everyone. Hopefully, it's sweet dreams for everyone!


Monday, December 7, 2009

Former Work

Visited my former place of employment today. Nothing much has changed, it seems very slow, and quite empty. It was nice to see everyone again though. I do miss the crew we had going there. It was so strange to be there and not work! I do miss working, I seem to have lost track of all time, days, dates whatever. I'd like to start working again soon.. even if only part-time. Until then, I'll keep plugging away.


It's well past bed time, I'm sure.. for some people.. I guess. I don't feel like going to bed, I'm so tired but don't want to sleep! GAH! Anyway, I hope all of my family and friends out there are sleeping well in warm, comfy, cozy beds. Dreaming wonderful things to keep them amused and happy. G'nite and serenity. My wishes for this evening!

Love to all!

Perhaps tomorrow will be a day of progress! (Apart from the cleaning already commenced.)

I'm thinking creative, burning CDs and homemade Christmas cards! Cheers!

Sunday, December 6, 2009

L.L. Cool YUM.

I have no clue what I am watching but here comes LL. Oh, this is NCIS, Los Angeles. Dee-Lish.

Those lips can brighten my mood good!



I, am going to bed. It's like twitter.. nono..

I just *tweeted*..

ahahaha.. wtf.


Saturday, December 5, 2009

What the h€££ is wrong with folks..?

How.. can a person see fit, to see a small space, a person with a baby in a stroller.. SHOVE their way through without so much as an excuse me, and allow their huge damn bag to hit every person they shove past, then allow it to bang into the stroller 4 times and damn near hit the baby inside..?

How is this okay? Do I have to smack a b*tch?! I am NOT ABOVE beating someone down for disrespecting me or my family, but hello..? Almost smash my son with the boxes in your bag? Being too rude to say excuse me? ¡ƒµ© ¥øü ßîå†ç∏! And this was just in the first store!!!

I do NOT belong out in public with these idiot people. I need a job, I've lost all sense of patience with stupidity, not that I had much to begin with, but now I can see myself being hauled off to jail because I have to beat down some rude @$$ —more-important-than-you— …

~* I *~ am unimpressed.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Watch Your Step

Step, walk, hop.. well, toys galore. Endless clutter. Ironically, it's not really just toys.. it's.. RECYCLING!.. My son loves water bottles, vitamin water bottles, any bottle. Doesn't matter if it's empty or full, or partially empty. Amazing, with the cost of toys, and the kids want to play with the box! It seems endless! Tripping over bottles isn't fun, but it sure is funny his choice of toy.

Love youth!

My Bed Does Not Miss Me..

As it turns out, I don't seem to have the strong relationship with sleep I once did. My bed used to call to me, warm and cozy, so inviting. As of late, it doesn't appeal, and I find myself staying up later and later. Perhaps it is not the bed. In any event, I am tired, even when I'm sleeping, I'm tired. I'm up and tired, down and tired, I dislike the common here. Of course, with a modicum of help things could be different. Alas, this help little and on short order. I need to get a dog. And the dog needs a house.

Red Velvet

I think it is time for more Red Velvet. I wonder, can it be made into cookies? It would be so beautiful a treat, covered with icing, served during the holidays! New mission.. Red Velvet. It will be the Red Velvet Inquisition.

There is a new purpose tonight!.. I begin my search, please feel free to join in the game. I hope to find something and report back with good news. I encourage everyone to find a similar silly mission, and share it with me. Then we can all be part of a bigger group, who knows we may find something amazing!

UPDATE: Look at what I've found!

Red Velvet Cookies!

An easy recipe, it involves the cake mix, with modified for cookie dough steps, I'm so excited to try this!

Life As Fantasy

We all need some fantasy in life. If you don't have some fantasy, what is there to go on for? Whatever fantasy that may be. I want to be active in some form of fantasy life. Too much reality doesn't make for a very happy existence. I want to change the world, want to help people, want to make some sort of difference some how. The question is how? How can I do this when I can't even get my own life in order? I will bake cookies. I will decorate. I will create warmth and glow in this little home of ours. I want to have love. A love that shows in the depths of what I do, in addition to the surface to be sure. I want to be surrounded by love and warmth during this very cold time. How does one begin to do this?

The other day while out with a friend, we enjoyed dinner, then walked about the bookstore. At the checkout, the cashier asked if we would like to donate a book to a child. I thought it was a wonderful idea. I realize a book will not put food on a table, nor will it make life easier, but maybe it will brighten a day. It was nice, I want more of this. And some where, we will find out how to make more of this happen. I will make dinner, and we'll enjoy the company of someone who might otherwise not have some place to go on Christmas. We'll have a leftovers party, like at Thanksgiving. Enjoy the company of family and friends once more. I will watch a movie, something that warms the heart.

Something outside of the everyday norm of life, that is reality. I want to believe in the beautiful, all encompassing dreams of children. Where candy is good and being outside to play with friends is a treat. Lounging on the beach, walking through the forest, something.. anything that can take me away from this now, at least for a little while. Until I can figure out how to make the feeling of those things reality. Or utilize the feeling that comes from these things. I will pick up my son, and we will dance, and sing, and laugh. Mostly, we'll laugh.

His smile is enough. And I love him.

Life As Reality

It seems important to remember life happens. Not as we always hope, but happen it does. Sleep is a luxury, oddly enough, now that I've the time for it I haven't the ease. Hunting for a job isn't what I expected. I realize, while experienced at work, I've no idea how to get a job. There is so MUCH I'd like to do, but no means to get it all done. I would have expected to be able to motivate more, but as it were, there is little to light that fire. Something burns within, but it is unclear what that is. Money is a problem. Time is a problem. Happiness, that is a problem.

On the other hand, the little stomp stomp stomp of my son wandering about the house.. Well, that's just precious. I can't explain how much love can be in one broken heart. Indeed, I can't explain the love of a child and how much it can encompass everything. Trying to focus on that, instead of everything else is my current goal.

Life happens, at times it seems life is happening around me, but it is important to find that gem to bring some sparkle to an otherwise dull existence. So while the world and all it's problems surround me and are flying out of control, maybe my lil diamond can bring me back to some sort of grounding. I do love him so.