Tuesday, February 9, 2010

When now is just not fast enough..

Sometimes, for just a little peace, some serenity, some calm.. even to get it right this very moment, seems an eternity to have to wait. It can come exactly when you ask for it.. but it some how feels you've been waiting forever and even when it does become available, for some reason I find I am so wound up in whatever the stress and tension is, that I can't even enjoy it until the moment is almost gone! I wish there was a wand to just *POOF* whatever the problem is away. Not necessarily forever, just so I can gather myself for those precious few mirco-moments to FEEL BETTER! To be better equipped to handle whatever the current situation. I guess, for some people, they call those BLACKOUT moments, where do I sign up for this? Because if I have a blackout moment, it's one of anger, rage, and out right fury. I don't need this. I want micro-euphoria moments.

Someone help me make it happen!