Friday, March 5, 2010

New Idea

I have had a version of this idea for a very long time. While watching Julie & Julia, the idea was realized more fully. As many of you may know, I have several blogs. And while each blog is special and unique to me, I have always had a greater vision, something that would do more than be words/images on the screen. In the movie, she creates a blog with a counter to keep track of how many recipes from Julia Childs book that she has completed. The counter also keeps track of the days left in the year, to keep track of her progress. This is EXACTLY what I want to do. I'd love to even do the recipes however, realistically I know I can't possibly keep up with all the recipes in the right amount of time. Also, I have passions OTHER than cooking, believe it or not! I love photography, travel, and my family which, as it turns out all tend to go together. Even so, I'm not convinced I could keep up with a photo a day, so I've skewed my perspective a bit to incorporate an almost 2 year old son.

Since I have come to terms with my lack of motivation, sad but true, I have derived a way to make my project blog an something attainable yet meaningful. An inspirational blog. The idea is 730 inspirations in 365 days. My idea for an inspirational blog is not exactly what it sounds like. A little background. To the core, I am a hopeless romantic. I look at flowers and smile, clouds, trees, water, children, old people all alike. I am in love with photography, cooking, music, writing, traveling, nature, architecture, technology, the internet, relationships, learning, among other things. So I am proposing an inspirational blog, 730 inspirations from anywhere and everywhere. Hopefully, this can become a photo-journal representation of inspiration. There are SO many inspirational websites that I've seen online. I don't mean that they were meant for that purpose, I found them enchanting for one reason or another. They give me inspiration to do something new, different, or possibly something I've done before and would like to return to.

I hope to achieve a new found purpose. I'd like to do more photography, like to be out in nature more, very much like to travel more. All of these things allow me to do them with my family, so it's just a matter of getting started. However, I have yet to find the type of "counter" for my blog. I am continuing the search, but for now it will just have to be done "old-school" keeping track. Considering we are into March already, and I'm just about to take a trip up to Canada (Calgary, moreover Banff) I am figuring I will start with that trip as my main beginning for the new blog. Perhaps this blog will be a collaborative effort.

Here is to yet another blog! Hope to have it up and running soon and will post the link for all to see!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Happy Girls' Day!

In honor of Girls' Day, I received a tiny silver high heel on a silver chain! How truly suited to me! I can say, for all the times I wished I didn't have to be a girl, some things are so nice. The silver shoe is great for me because it is something I love, don't need, and got anyway. How awesome is it to be a girl when you get things like that?! How truly frivolous and fun, I love it! Some how I find, getting something like this, simple and not outrageous (though some might disagree) is more fun than getting a birthday present.

Wishing all you girls out there, no matter your age, a wonderful Girls' Day! May it be filled of love and tiny silver shoes!